Sending 'Salam' by Sahaba after the Demise of the Prophet!

Hadith:  Imam Waqidi reports from Musa bin Muhammad bin Ibrahim bin Harith Tamimi that he said: "I had seen a writing of my father in which it was written that when the Prophet  was shrouded and was laid on the bed, Sayyiduna Abu Bakr  and Sayyiduna Umar  entered and both of them said: "As Salam Alayka Ayyuhan Nabiyyu' wa Rahmat Allahi wa Barakatuhu". And along with them were groups of 'Ansar' {Helpers} and 'Muhajirin' {Emigrants}, they also sent 'Salam' in a way just as Sayyiduna Abu Bakr  and Sayyiduna Umar  had sent. Then they formed rows after rows and no one amongst them led in this." {Hujjat Allahu alal Alamin; 710}
From this Hadith, we come to know that it was the Practice of the Sahaba to Call and Send 'Salam' upon the Beloved Rasul Allah  using the word of 'Khitab' {Addressal} i.e. "Ya" even after his demise and they did in Congregation! It is important to note that it was the Aqidah of the Sahaba that the Prophet  was Alive, therefore no one led his 'Janaza' Salah and they also knew that the Beloved Rasul Allah  and other Prophets are Sinless {'Ma'sum'}, therefore, they Sent 'Salam' upon him and did not pray the 'Janaza' Salah because 'Salat ul Janaza' is a prayer in which Forgivance for the dead is seeked!

Hadith: Imam Ibn Sa'ad reported from Sayyiduna Ali bin Abu Talib  that after the Demise of the Prophet  when he was laid on the bed, Sayyiduna Ali  said: "No one should lead his 'Janazah' Salah, because he was your Imam in this world and even after his demise. Thereafter, people <sahaba></sahaba> used to come in groups and make rows without an Imam. they would say 'Takbir' <i.e. allahu="" akbar=""></i.e.> and say: ""As Salam Alayka Ayyuhan Nabiyyu' wa Rahmat Allahi wa Barakatuhu".{Khasais ul Kubra; 2:277}

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