Meaning of the word "URS" from Sahih hadith
The literal meaning of Urs is wedding, and it is for this reason that the bride and bridegroom are called 'Uroos'.
Word URS in Sahih Hadith
The date of demise of the Friends of Allah عزوجل and Buzurgs is called Urs because, whih the angels who question in the grave (Nakeerain) test the deceased and find him to be successful, they say, "Sleep like a bride who will not be awakened by anyone except for the person who is most beloved to her." Reference : [Mishkaat, Baabu Ithbaatil-Qabr]
Because these angels have called them 'Uroos' on that date, it therefore becomes the day of 'Urs',
Another reason is because, on this day, the angels will reveal the beauty and splendor of Rasoolullahصلی اللہ علیہ وسلم and ask him, "What did you say about this man?" He will reply, "He is the Uroos (adorned personality) of all creation. The entire creation has attained splendor through him." Meeting the beloved is the day of 'Urs', and it is for this reason that the day is called Urs.
Celebration of Urs proven from Sahih hadith and Sunnah of Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم)